1 min Household TIPS!Sweet Ways to Use that Sour White Vinegar! Erase ball-point pen marks… When little Johnny uses your wall for a canvas, just dab full...
1 minWE DO MORE!Our goal is to help you attain your financial goals and personal wealth through education, market updates, and exceptional mortgage...
1 minDon’t Let “Analysis Paralysis” Hold You Back!What if rates go down a little more? What if I buy a second home and housing prices slide? What if I do nothing, will I miss out for...
2 minMANAGING YOUR CREDIT CARDSYour credit score takes into account the amount of credit you are using in relation to your credit limit. Sometimes issuers will...
1 minAVOID After Applying for your MORTGAGE!1-DON’T APPLY FOR NEW CREDIT You could lose 10 points from your credit score for one hardy inquiry! 2-DON’T CREATE “RED FLAGS” The less...